Best Paintings Canvas and Photo Prints Online Store India
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About Us

Best Paintings Canvas and Photo Prints Online Store India

Our mission and social commitment mission,to bring quality art to people at affordable prices and thus bringing art out of elite to the masses.

Committment:We are involved with the “ART FOR LIFE” movement in an effort to bring light in to the life of the less  fortunate.The activities involve recognition and promotion of talent,

Especially amongst  differently abled people.We provide annual royalty to proven talent,who we had association with.We also promote art through experience camps at various location.


We are thankful  for the continued patronage of

  • Mr.Shaji.N.Karun (Cine Director)
  • Mr.Mohanlal (Cine Actor)
  • Mr.Suresh Gopi (Cine Actor)
  • Mr.Venugopal (Singer)
  • Mrs.Annie(Cine Actress)

And the support of Corporate entities:
Hindustan Latex, SI Properties, Kinfra,etc. Lets meet at a place where colours whisper…

camps at various locations and one regional presence in all art exhibitions.

What is the future?

Launch of symphony,a 3 piece art package of various genus,nationwide at affordable prices.

ISO Certification to raise,and project quality in our services and products to an internationally acceptable level.

Annual art awards, state wide for talents among differently abled young people.

More art expeience camps to popularise the creation,appreciation and criticism of art amongst artist and patrons alike.


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